Wednesday, September 8, 2010

someone put a soccer ball together

  1. It's bouncy.
  2. It rolls.
  3. its squishy
  4. It looks like it has 8 eyes.
  5. It's round like the earth.
  6. It looks like someone wrote a essay on it.
  7. It looks like a head
  8. It looks like a dice
  9. It looks like a someone dyed blue dots on a head.
  10. It looks like a monsters head.
  11. It looks like a bold head.
  12. It looks like it has cuts every where.
By Will

1 comment:

Ms. Daniel said...

I wish I knew who wrote this. You have lots of great images. This would be more interesting without all of the "it looks like" beginnings.

Ms. D.