Saturday, September 25, 2010

Newly Discovered Dinosaur

I like it when the news brings us reports of new and interesting things that we didn't know before -- new animals, new chemicals, new ideas, new ways of understanding the world.  Here's one of those:
A bizarre dinosaur with 15 horns is one of two new close relatives of Triceratops that scientists found in southern Utah.  The dinosaur, named Kosmoceratops richardsoni, had a horn over its nose, one atop each eye, one at the tip of each cheekbone, and 10 across the rear margin of its bony frill. Its head is the most ornate of any known dinosaur.  
The name comes from the Latin "kosmos" for ornate, the Greek "ceratops" meaning horned face, and the latter part honors Scott Richardson, the volunteer who discovered two skulls of this animal in 2007.


Anonymous said...

read about this in sience illistrated.


Anonymous said...

i love dinosaurs! they aresweet. this one is really cool. 15 horns on 1 head. do yu think that would hurt and you would get headaches alot.

Anonymous said...


I saw a show on the life stages of dinasaurs. I learned that dinasaurs change dramatically throuth life and that only a third of discovered dinasaurs. I wonder if this is a baby of some other dinasaur. Who knows!!!!!!!!!????????????

awsome Adam R.