Thursday, March 13, 2008

Maybe the last update from the China Delegation?

Thursday, March 13 -- Today was a ton of fun - visited classes today and in one engaged in a debate re. the use of cell phones in school. Both teams had American and Chinese students on them. Good arguments both ways - lots of interaction, lots of fun. Afternoon was spent at a Chinese Tea Ceremony. Training in the ritual is one of the courses at one of the Liuzhou high schools. The students who presented were amazing - you won't believe the photos when you see them. We are being overwhelmed with gifts form the staff and students. Walking through the campus it is not uncommon for students to give us gifts. Kirshane was given a puppy by her host family as a present which we have said she cannot take home with her. Tomorrow afternoon is the farewell banquet and then it's to the airport for a 10:40 departure. This may be the last e-mail - depending on how tomorrow goes

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