Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Reconciliation Goals for 6th Grade -- 2011

Here are the goals that 6th grade students set for our class this year. As we come to the end of the school year, it is good to look back at where we've been and evaluate how we've done. Review these goals that our class chose to work on this year, and then leave your comment about how you see these goals being met (or not) this year.
  1. KINDNESS GOAL -- I will not gossip, and I won't listen to those who spread gossip. 
  2. CONFLICT RESOLUTION GOAL -- I will stop choosing sides. 
  3. HELPFULNESS GOAL -- I will be a better student, a better friend, and more helpful to others. 
  4. INCLUSION GOAL -- I will work to eliminate drama, exclusion, and gossip.


Anonymous said...

I think that we have made progress but still have a ways to go


Anonymous said...

I think the gossip in our class has gotten way worse. Drama and conflict is very bad in the sixth grade also. I think picking sides has gotten better though.
-Cameron Kilby

Anonymous said...

I have found that because I used these rules, I have become closer friends with the people who I never got the chance to know very well. I have also learned from this and understand that being the bigger person helps friendships grow.

Anonymous said...

I feel that we did an okay job with our goals this year. Although there was a lot of drama, and there still is, the drama has gotten to a lower level. I feel that when someone hears someone else gossip, they feel that they also have the right to gossip. Neither person is right.

Preston said...

I am going to be completely honest here. I think there's still a lot of gossip but I think most people don't listen to the gossip. I think there's still a lot of drama, too. I think people still choose sides. But I think everyone has become a better student, better friend, and more helpful to other.

Anonymous said...

I think that there's not a big difference with having relationship goals. People act pretty much the same, with or without them. I'm not sure that they have worked well in our grade.
Janie M.

Anonymous said...

This school year, I have not had too many relationship problems but I did have some small fights as well as some big ones. I have grown apart from some friends and grown closer to other friends but all the while, I tried my best to include everyone, be nice to everyone, and help everyone.

Anonymous said...

elliot sudberry,
i think that as a class we did not follow through with the gossip goal. we did better with the stop choosing sides goal but not that good. i think that we did very well on the helpfulness goal i always saw people helping out the teachers and being respectful. we did a fantastic job on including this even though many things happened i think everyone made new friends.

Anonymous said...

I think that only a few of the goals were not reached, but habits take three times as long to break than to get one

-Nick Hagerty

Anonymous said...

This year has been a very up and down year. i haven't been in that many fights. I think overall our grade gets along really well. When we used these goals over the year, our grade has stayed pretty much the same. My friends and I have been trying not to gossip or cause conflict. When our grade knows we have hurt someone, we try to say sorry. I think that we have become better students this year.
-- Anna <3

Anonymous said...

this year has been crazy ive been in fights with really only one girl and we were really good friends so were in another stupid fight again and we both want to be the bigger person and all i want her to know is that i think fights make friends better and were both going through a hard time.

Anonymous said...

Overall our class is pretty good at following our goals but some people have changed more than others. there is some drama but it resolves quickly and is forgotten about. our class is like family and we like to treat each other that way sure we have disagreements.

Anonymous said...

This year I have not had many relationship problems besides a couple of small as well as a few big fights. I have grown apart from some friends and grown closer to some friends but all the while I tried to include everyone, be nice to everyone, and help everyone.
-Hayley ;D

Will Burton said...

There is still some gossip around and people are choosing sides. Everyone has become better friends. There is still alot of drama and lots of people dont listen to gossip.

Anonymous said...

I think things are still the same, but sometimes things get better and sometimes things get worse so the things are still the same. christopher

Anonymous said...

I think that we achieved all of these goals through the school year.We have all been kind to and understanding.Through this school year I think we learnd the true meaning of friendship and all of our friendships will last a long time.


Anonymous said...

I think that this class has become better friends with everyone. Altough the drama. I think it is just crazy that we had to me so dramatic this year was.


Anonymous said...

I myself think that we did not do a very good job at any of these things I'm not saying that everone was bad but i still here after we went over these people gossiping telling mean jokes the teachers don't do a very good job to control these kid but it's not their fault they can't control them they don't here everything they don't have eyes in the back of their heads next year with the old fifth graders newly sixth graders I think they should go to high levels to inforce the rules and make sure no one is being disclued or gossiped about that's all I have to say

Nathan McCart

Anonymous said...

I don't think we did very good at following these rules. We did a little better, but we could of done a lot better.

Anonymous said...

I think we did better than the beginning of the year but we still could use some work on the gossip rules.

Anonymous said...

we did not come close to the goal.
!!!!!!!!!NOT EVAN CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think these class room resolution goals really helped our classroom communicate better with each other. I think trying not to gossip helped not causing drama, not choosing sides helped us keep friends, and working to be nice and including people helped us make new friends.

Anonymous said...

i hope that people would actually acomplish the goals and that includes everyone, even me!

Anonymous said...

we sort of reached our goals.
adam =)

moira said...

i feel like these goals didnt go over very well because people continued to gossip and didnt really give a care about the goals.

Anonymous said...

this year i thin k we have improved in kindness and overall fun. we have also been very welcoming to Moira and Quin.
Forrest Longeway

Anonymous said...

i feel there was to much gossip and people didnt care how it affected people. Hopefully we can just stop making up stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hi my personal opinoin is that gossiping has not changed at all. taking sides has stopped. Everything else has just stopped completly stopped execpt gossip. Gossip has never ever,ever,ever stopped.


Anonymous said...

i think we did ok. we could have done better.


Anonymous said...

we have all included each other and learned that gossip is wrong. we are all very nice and help each other out.

Anonymous said...

we have all included each other and learned that gossip is wrong. we are all very nice and help each other out.

Anonymous said...

All of them have gotten better except for gossip


Anonymous said...

I think we did great this year! Thanks Ms. D!!! I think we follow must of our recociliation goals.

Anonymous said...

School is School there is dramma and best friends. 6th grade has been going ok. There is a lot of clicks witch that makes it hard to make new friends. But over all I guess Nativity school is ok.


Anonymous said...

This year I feel like we have improved some of these goals. The most improvement was in the inclusion goal because we this year have not really complained about some of our partners for assignments. We have worked on all the goals but that one i think we have improved on the most. I feel like my personal goal was the kindness goal because I was tried to not gossip a lot any more. We have grown as a class and tried to work hard.

Anonymous said...

Well personally I think the rules have sort of helped and sort of not helped. I was going through some of the comments and I saw one that brought up a very good point. School is still school and there will still be gossip. I mean we see these people everyday and we can't obviously like each other all the time. But maybe if we just remind others of these goals more frequently instead of every semester people might try harder to accomplish these goals. But over all I think we are a pretty good class we just hit some bumps in the road.
-Claire *<]:)