Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Africa Packet --

Social Studies – 6th grade: Chapter 10, Lesson 2 – Cultural Change in Africa
(Notes from text, C.O.W., and Discovery Education Video Segments)

Video materials –

The Sahara Desert divides northern Africa from a broad Savannah to the south. Which kingdoms grew up in the sub-Sahara?

Who lived north of the Sahara?

Show the appoximate area of Ghana on the map.

List the two key trading products involved in Ghana’s trade:

How did Ghana grow rich on the Saharan trade?

Who were the Almoravids?

Show the approximate area of Mali on the map.

Timbuktu, Gao, and Djenne were what?

The Sub-Saharan trading empires were located on the banks of the _____________________________ River.

The name Sundiata means ______________________________________.

Who was Mali’s most powerful emperor?

Why did Mansa Musa travel to Mecca?

Describe Mansa Musa’s hajj:

List three of the effects of Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage on the surrounding region:

C.O.W. materials –

Early West African Trade

Gold and salt were the mainstays of the Saharan trade. Who wanted Gold?

Who wanted salt?

Why was salt “worth its weight in gold?”

Sketch the Sahara Desert trade routes on your map.

List three additional products that were traded across the Sahara:

Early African Cultural Legacy

What was so unique about the city of Timbuktu?

Textbook materials (pages 268-272) –

How was West Africa isolated from other cultural areas?

Place important events on the time chart below:
1235 --
1324 --
1464 --
1493 --

Put these events into chronological order (number them from 1-5)

_____ Songhai separated from Mali
_____ Askia Muhammead made Songhai an Islamic state
_____ Mansa Musa founded and Islamic school in Timbuktu
_____ Mansa Musa made a pilgrimage to Mecca
_____ Sonni Ali captured Djenne

View the map on pages 270-271. Describe the direction that Mansa Musa’s caravan traveled for each segment of the journey to Mecca.

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