Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Giving to Others

We have three different projects going on right now that students can participate in as we think of ways to share our gifts during this season of preparation for the birth of the Christ Child in our midst.

The Nativity Student Council continues to collect canned goods to help those in need through the holidays. Each of the 6th grade classrooms would, ideally, contribute a minimum of 100 items toward the schoolwide goal for this project. I'm not sure how many cans have been collected by Room 205, but I know that my homeroom has a total or 18 cans so far -- we have a ways to go!

The 6th Grade Girl Scouts are working to collect toys for the kids at Children's Hospital. The items that they gather will be donated to help brighten the lives of children undergoing treatment for cancer. Students received a detailed list of needed/wanted items, and the collection will end next Tuesday, December 18th. Whatever you can add to this effort can be placed in the decorated boxes in the 6th grade classrooms.

Lastly, the 8th graders are sponsoring a drive to help Lighthouse Youth Services (a comprehensive youth and family services organization, providing programs including emergency shelter, residential treatment, foster care, etc.). Eighth graders are collecting toiletries, towels, t-shirts, socks, watches, etc. Their goal is one donation per Nativity student. Donations can be dropped off in the Nativity Cafe' anytime before December 20.

Won't you think about what you can give?

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